Thursday, November 23, 2006

Arrival of baby Owen Li Appel...

My due date was 13th Nov. I was still playing table tennis with my mom 2 weeks before 13th. However, I stopped 1 week before because my doc told me that baby might arrive early on 9th and Dennis would only arrive on 3rd.

Dennis came and we waited... waited and waited. On 9th, there was no sign of baby. Until 13th, there was also no sign of him coming out. My doc decided to induce me on 16th Nov, hence scheduled me to check in to hospital on 16th for induction. On 15th morning, I had very mild contractions and was not sure if my water broke or not. It was confusing. I went to hospital just to be sure and the nurse informed that I have dilated 2cms. I was like huh? It was not even painful.

Doc came to check on me and informed that my water bag was still intact. However, doc popped the pill for fast dilation and by 6.20pm, my water broke. Then, contractions started. Initially, I could still handle the contractions. By 10pm, the contractions were so painful. My back was like about to break into two... I did not have epidural because my doc did not encourage it and I was worried about the side effects plus the person administrating it. Now I know it was a painful mistake. The last contractions to push the baby out was pain from hell. Undescribable pain.... Really very painful! The worst was to coordintate the take deep breath when contractions come, hold the breath and then push hard. This combo was terribly difficult to manage. I can take deep breath and hold it but when the contraction came, it was an automatic response to let go of breath and moan in pain. That is the truth! In short, this is little advice for my gal friends out there. Pushing in birth feels like pooping a huge jack fruit!

Anyway, I am really glad it was over... and it was all worth it!

Owen Li Appel was born on 15th Nov at 10.52pm, weighing in at 3.25kgs and length was 52cms!

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