Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I am 9mths old...

I like to chase Bubu around and pose infront of the camera...

Owen at 10 mths old...

I am taking my bath with my dad in the tub...
I really like playing with water, bubbles and my rubber ducky!
Hello Mummy!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Happy Owen (6 mths old)...

Owen at 6 mths old...

My little boy turned 6 months in June 07. Finally, he was able to sit by himself and most importantly, that means less work for us. Hahaha!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Studio wedding photos (Part 5)...

Studio wedding photos (Part 4)...

Studio wedding photos (Part 4)...

Studio wedding photos (Part 3)...

Studio wedding photos (Part 2)...

Glamourous studio wedding photos (Part 1)...

Hello hello folks,

The long awaited studio wedding photos are finally available on my blog. Well, why so long? Blame it on the wedding photo company. They have this stupid policy on returning negatives after 1 year to their clients. If we want it earlier, then we would need to pay an arm and a leg. Blood suckers!!!

Anyway, so I refused and waited patiently for a year lor... Ha... now I have them on CD-R. How wonderful. I must say.. now when I look back at the photos, I kinda envy how I look like then. Well, I lost most of my pregnancy weight but still have 3kgs more to go... still need to work pretty hard on my tummy area. Nevertheless, it is very worthwhile to have these beautiful photos as remembrance. I think most girls would agree with me on this. Ha...


Wednesday, March 07, 2007