Friday, September 22, 2006

Pottery class in Prague, Cz 2006

I learned about this pottery class in Prague 6 through my Japanese friend, Masami. At first, I was nervous about it because to me pottery sounded so artistic and complicated but I decided to check it out. My teacher, Martin is really kind and patient. He gave us a lot of ideas and suggestions in our creations to help us obtain the outcome that we wanted.

Here are some of my masterpieces that I made. I left Prague sometime in May 06 hence there are some pottery which were still not ready. I have asked my friend, Masami to help me complete my work by glazing them. She made them really pretty!!!! My proudest work piece would be the square teapot! Enjoy....

Monday, September 18, 2006

Sarawak & Spore zoo short vacation...

Here are some photos taken from Sarawak's Cultural Village. There were many traditional houses in the village ranging from Iban, Melanau, Dayaks to the Malay, Chinese houses. It was interesting to look and walk around.

We also went to Singapore zoo recently in Sept with my relatively unnoticed tummy. The walk was good but I had to make sure I take little breaks in between to make sure I rest my legs well in order not to get swollen feet. My legs get tired easily nowadays and run out of breath pretty easy too. Each time I walk, I feel like this big whale waddling away... pretty tough to adjust to....

Thursday, September 14, 2006

New baby boy arriving soon...

Yup... as scary as it sounds... we are expecting our first new born baby boy around 13th November 2006. I am currently in the 3rd trimester, 7th month now. The whole pregnancy has been quite an experience for me. It has ups and downs, the initial morning sickness part was not enjoyable at all... trust me! After this period, things improved.. I felt I am alive again so to speak.

2nd trimester which is from 4-6months is the honeymoon period and of course most relaxing time for me. I still continued to play table tennis and household chores as usual. I have been told by a lot of people that my tummy looks relatively small for the trimester that I am in.... Errr... I don't know.. maybe I am tall and have a bigger built. That is the only thing I can think of. Anyway, small tummy is an advantage sometimes. I travelled to East Msia for a short holiday when I was in 30wks and I lied about it saying I was in 27wks. Hahaha.....

Right now, I am into my 7th month and I start to feel the big heavy tummy growing more significantly. Sleeping at night has been quite difficult as I often get cramps on my right leg and had to get up to pee countless times through the entire night. I often hear people say when you are pregnant, you glow and look different, etc... For me, I think there is 0 glow and indeed I look different in terms of size and complexion. I tend to get little spots everywhere on my body and face and now I weigh an incredible 70kgs (12kgs increase from my initial weight). Ahhhhhh!!!!! Scary isn't it? This has been definitely my heaviest moment in my life so far!!!!!

Hmm... now, I am counting days to my due date on 13th November. I will write some more after I pop with new updates and photos on our little one.